Earth is our business address.
Allegra’s sweet stories told of God’s goodness and presented the Gospel with simplicity and clarity, each one a “missionary-in-print” as she often called her books.
In every letter I could hear Allegra’s enthusiasm. In every story I could hear her passion for the Gospel. Her joy in the Lord. Her love for His people.
Allegra loved to say that “Heaven is our home ~ Earth is our business address.”
And she truly spent her life “being about the Father’s business.” She fought the good fight–all the way to nine-two years of age. She finished the course. She kept the faith.
Thank you so much for starting this website. I have been searching for her online and finally found this site today. I grew up listening to Allegra’s cassette tapes. My parents somehow connected with her and they would get the cassette tapes of hers for my sisters and I to listen to. She even came to NY where we lived and invited us to listen to her talk at a church one night where we met her in person for the first time. Her stories were always precious and will always be remembered in my heart.
An Ambassador for Christ
Allegra McBirney was an inspiration to me! Although I did not meet her in person, several of my dear friends did. We communicated a little through letters. She was an amazing letter-writer. Her book, The Shepherd Psalm for a Freeway Culture, inspired me to incorporate the lessons in that book to the 2nd graders with whom I did my student teaching. I loved her radio program “A Time for Sharing.” Even years later, I recalled that she had done a study of the relation of the palm tree to the righteous from Psalm 92:12. This motivated me to do my own research and I was amazed by the comparison of the believer to a flourishing palm tree! We named our second daughter Allegra, in part after Allegra McBirney. Now she is an ambassador for Christ, too.
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